Network of Eritreans for Constitutional Governance (NECG)

Tunisians Tweet A Tyrant Out Of The Country! Next Eritrea Tyrant

18 January 2011
Berhane M Tekeste

Tunisians tweeted a tyrant out of the country to a stunning awakening of the int'l community! Next to be chased out of the country is Eritrea tyrant Isias Afewarki.

Past weekend the world woke up only to witness “a startling change in Tunisia”! It was indeed startling by all accounts because Tunisians literally and on their own, one might add, tweeted darling of the West and a solid 23 years tyrant Ben Ali of Tunesia, out of the country without firing a single bullet and against all odds!

The events in Tunisia overwhelmed the international media to the extent of pushing hotspots de jure like Sudan referendum and Ivory Coast were completely pushed to the back burner! Others were scrambling for a term to assign to this unique revolution that brought about an abrupt and humiliating exit of a major tyrant for it did not follow the hitherto prescribed color formulae to topple a solid tyrant like 'orange, green, tulip or other colored ' revolutions! The international media floated terms like 'Tweeter Revolution, WikiLeaks Revolution because of media and cyberspace involvement, and Jasmine Revolution in honer of the self-immolation of a young graduate Mohammed Abouazzis, what started it all and kindled the flame of the popular uprising. To me, Jasmine Revolution makes sense.

The Tunisia revolution is a home-made revolution. There was no US, UN, AU, regional, continental or international involvement like for example what is going on in Ivory Coast, or association with some religious movements or extremist others! It is unique and pure Tunesian Revolution hence and rightfully Révolution Tunisienne! Bravo Tunisie!

Let me also second the slogan “Révolution Tunisienne – Bravo – Leçon pour le monde entier”. No doubt Tunisia is a lesson the entire world has a lot to learn from.

Yes, Révolution Tunisienne sent a chill down the spine of all dictators and tyrants in the world in general and the Arab world and Africa in particular. First to feel this chill was Libya tyrant Muammar Gaddafi who condemned the ouster of his friend Ben Ali but didn't offer him a place to land when Ben Ali was crisscrossing the globe for a place to hide until he found one in Jedda , Saudi Arabia! No surprise here!

Could Révolution Tunisienne be replicated in Eritrea? Without going into the necessary details and in a nutshell my answer is: In essence yes. Eritrea is a giant prison! Prison revolts are not uncommon?

Eritrea tyrant Isias Afewarki must be next for he poses imminent danger and threat to international peace and security for which he is under UN Chapter VII. As Eritrea goes, so goes peace and security in the Horn of Africa. Tyranny in Eritrea is a threat to peace and security in the Horn particularly!

While Tunisia tyrant was overthrown by local popular uprising, a threat to international peace and security requires international uprising against Eritrea tyrant! The international community can chase Eritrea tyrant out of the country without firing a single bullet by depriving him of the support pillars that sustain his reign, such as severing financial access and upping diplomatic and political pressure, to mention a few!

Few lessons to be learned from Révolution Tunisienne:

  • A tyrant enters and reigns with many loyalists but exits alone! So, those that chant in support of Eritrea tyrant “he is us, we are him” beware, in the end Afewarki will be chanting me and me only and flee out of the country without you!

  • The military that sustains a tyrant for decades can dump the tyrant, like they did in Tunisa, when the time of reckoning dawns!

Yes, year 2011 brought new dawn to Tunisia. Congrats Tunisie! Next: New dawn for Eritrea with the inevitable exit of tyrannt Isias Afewarki. Yes we can!


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