Norway after Eritrea tyrant's lackeys/agents for Abuse of Asylum Right
02 March 2014


Following media reports(read below) about grave violation of asylum protection by Eritrea tyrant's lackeys/agents, Norways Attorney General, Anders Anundsen, promised the Norwegian News Agency (NTB)that he takes these reports seriously and that he will  launch an investigation into Asylum Right abuse by Eritrea tyrant's followers immediately.

on Monday 24 Feb 2014, the local newspaper
Klassekampen reported about a letter the head of the Bodo (City in Norway) Refugee Reception Center wrote to Norway's Attorney general [member of the ruling FRP] regarding his concerns that among genuine Eritrean asylum seekers there are those that claim asylum protection only to turn around and return(on vacation) and support the government  they fled from once their asylum request has been granted.

The Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers, NOAS, told
Klassekampen "- We cannot rule out the presence of spies(reference to Eritrea tyrant's lackeys and agents) among the refugees (Eritrean refugees) who register as asylum seekers that later return to their home country to report on the others who have fled to Norway", Ann-Magrit Austenå  Secretary General of NOAS.

"Austenå says it's a problem if people granted asylum because of incorrect information. That is, they may not be in insecurity in their homeland."

The Attorney General's party colleague Mazyar Keshvari says that such practices need a strong response.

"Asylum seekers who cheat must leave the country as quickly as possible. If they can go on vacation to their home country, they can also stay there". Mayza Keshvari, told

At this time the case is in the able hands of Norway's Attorney Geneneral for necessary prosecution! 

Below first the English version of the said publication as provided by
Norway, then the original publications in Klassekamp, and Top, audio of Radio Erena Tigrigna version of the report

Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea
Tigrigna: Radio Erena