Shame Italy: Bologna Eritrea Festival celebrating crime against humanity         

25 June 2014



Only in Italy: A tyrant, Eritrea tyrant Isas Afareki, granted to make a mockery of a democratic struggle against colonial occupation, all kinds of subjugation including bare-naked tyranny, Bologna, and to dance on the fresh graveyard of victims of the tyrant's tyrannical grip on Eritrea: Mass murder of Eritrean refugees, Lampedusa, 3 Oct 2013!

One cannot hit or charge Eritrea tyrant with lack of conscience, moral or sensitivity to the nations pain because those are attributes that make Eritrea tyrant who he is and what his made of and that is the reason we are standing up to him. But Italy? Shame on Italy for allowing a festival to celebrate crimes against humanity! Vergogna Italia!

The Bologna Eritrea tyrant's Festival supposed to pass on to the young generation the "Determination, resolve, dedication, and sense of communality, the legacy of Bologna"! Determination and resolve to do/achieve what? To bring about free, democratic and prosperous Eritrea, whatever it takes and by all means necessary-that is the legacy of Bologna, something Eritrea tyrant and his lackeys are in utter betrayal and denial todate (video clip below)! 40 years later, there reigns the exact antithesis of the legacy of Bologna: Bare-naked tyranny. Tyranny is crime against humanity!

Now, Eritrea tyrant's Bologna Festival is not about mobilizing the Eritrean youth to show the determination and resolve of the older generation and to fight for free, democratic, and prosperous Eritrea, they won't be calling for demise of tyranny and reign of democracy? They will be hailing the tyrant and his gangs and celebrate crime against humanity (tyranny) and swear to stand with the tyrant until death parts them!

A certified Eritrea tyrant celebrating the legacy of Bologna is hence a mockery! So what is there to celebrate in Bologna? Bologna legacy in reverse: Determination and resolve to protect, defend, and preserve tyranny in Eritrea!. Else there is nothing to celebrate in Eritrea! Here is a tyrant that subjects his nation to tyrannical crime and makes it celebrate it too! Only in Italy!

Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea