Eritrea Tyrant &Co. Face Arrest in Sweden For Crimes Against Humanity

01 July 2014

Stockholm, Sweden-- Sweden too had it enough with Eritrea tyrant! No more pampering the tyrant, no more quiet diplomacy crap! In May the Swedish parliamant passed a law that would allow Swedish courts to take up cases of crimes against humanity regardless of place and personality! This law became effective today.

Knowing that, lawyers for the Eritrean-Swede, journalis Dawit Isaac, who has been detained by Eritrea tyrant and co incommunicado now nearly 14 years, filed a law suit charging Eritrea tyrant and his 4 top accomplices: Advisor Yemane Ghebreab, Justice M., Fozia Hashim, FM Osman Saleh, and Defense M., Sibhat Ephrem, with crimes against humanity including torture and forced disappearances! This allows and obliges the swedish law enforcement agency to arrest Eritrea tyrant and Co. should any one of them set foot in Sweden, the swedish daily
EXPRESSEN reported yesteday, read below:



Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea