The Eritrean Experience: Promise Democracy, Serve Utter Tyranny!

07 August 2014


 That is the undeniable Eritrean experience that the people of Eritrea are being subjected to under the reign of Eritrea tyrant Isas Afareki after fighting peacefullu and ultimateley sacrificing tremendous life and limb for the promise of free, democratic, and prosperous Eritrea only to be served bare-naked and utter tyranny under the label and guise of People's Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ)! Todate, the nation is advised by Eritrea tyrant Afareki to go look for democracy and multi-party on a different planet not in his backyared!
Watch video clip below to hear Eritrea tyrant's Democracy and Multi-party pledge from his own mouth and in his own words 20 years ago!


Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea