Eritrea: Time for EU to put its money where its mouth is!
20 September 2014


On Thursday, the EU issued yet another statement (see below) whining and moaning about the plight of political prisoners in Eritrea for the 13th time and counting while at the same time manifestly perpetuating the perpetrator of what the EU is and has been whining and moaning about, Eritrea tyrant and UN-sanctioned Isas Afarki, by propping him up financially with Millions of Euros (last one 122 million Euros) and offering diplomatic and political protection! Textbook lip service: All words but no deeds!

At this time of the year, for years now, the EU sounds off this same statement for the simple reason because it sounds good, is persuasive, and politically correct else EU's statement is toothless, pro forma, and plane perfunctory for it is inconsequential, does not threaten the tyrant in any way or form, or make a dent in Eritrea tyrant's tyrannical stronghold on our country Eritrea!

So far, all of EU's annual 18 September statements have hit utter deaf ears and as far as Eritrea tyrant is concerned "it is boring!"

In the words of Einstein: Saying/doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is, indeed, the definition of insanity. It is, therefore, in place to call the EU to sanity by challenging it to end its fruitless series of lip services to the plight of Eritrean political prisoners and Human Rights in Eritrea and to put its money where its mouth is instead if the EU really means what it says and wants  to be taken serious!

The call for
EU to put its money where its mouth is, is also one effective answer to Norway's right question at 19th meeting, 26 Regular Session of Human Rights Council on 18 June 2014: Given the lack of cooperation, what more can states do to address the Human Rights situation in Eritrea beyond continuing to call for the cooperation of the Eritrean Government? Check out video clip below:



Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea