8 March: Eritrea tyrant hit with utter abuse of Eritrean Women in National Service!
09 March 2015


The just concluded, 6 March 2015, Convention of the UN Women's Rights(Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women-CEDAW) Convention in Geneva, Switserland, hit, rightly so, Eritrea tyrant with utter sexual abuse, slavery, including rape of Eritrean Women in the National Service.

In its 14-page report (see below) issued at the end of the convention, just on time to coincide with 8 March International Women's Day,  the UN Committee submitted in no uncertain terms the following remarks:

"The Committee is particularly concerned about reports that women in national service are frequently victims of sexual violence, including rape, committed by officers and male recruits and that those refusing sexual advances are often severely punished"

"(a) The Committee urges the State party to:

Discontinue the indefinite national service and the forced enrolment at the Sawa Military Training Centre and put measures in place to end all violation of girls' rights, reduce the national service obligation to the original 18 months, legally recognize the right to conscientious objection and ensure that women who have completed their service are immediately demobilized and supported in their reintegration process;

(b) Prevent, investigate, prosecute in criminal courts, and punish all cases of violence against women and girls in the national service and at the Sawa Military Training Centre"


Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea