At UN: Eritrea Tyrant Hit with Intimidation, threats against Members of Inquiry Commission!

23  June 2015

At the Human Rights Council today, Eritrea tyrant got hit with
intimidating, harrassing and threats against the member of the UN Commission of Inquiry on human rights in Eritrea in their hotels and on the streets of Geneva. The council was surely shocked at this this news and they all called for investigation of the matter and the president of the council obliged. The Council's meeting was being held under extra security measures, the president added!

The president warned Ertirea tyrant's agent at the council, Tesfamichael Grahtu, not to use gangster and street languages in characterizing members of the commission and their work!  Other than that it was all 'blast the tyrant, bless the Commission' day!

The council debate over Eritrea tyrant's crimes against humanity will continue tomorrow first thing until mid afternoon. Below is the video of todays's event.



Constitutional Governance Only Way Forward For Eritrea