EU Adopts strong Resolution against Eritrea Tyrant, protests dubious Dev. Fund

10 March 2016

European Parliament, Strasbourg, France--As was clear during the debate regarding casus Eritrea yesterday, today, the MEP nearly unanimously adopted a strong resolution (2016/2568(RSP)) against Eritrea tyrant, and protested the planned, dubious EU Eritrea Development Fund in no uncertain terms.

The EP "
Believes that the EDF Committee should have taken into consideration the Committee on Development's recommendations not to adopt the NIP and to engage in further discussion; considers that the decision to adopt the NIP for Eritrea despite Parliament's opposition demonstrates a democratic deficit and severely undermines Parliament's role in ensuring the effective implementation of EU development objectives; calls, in this connection, for Parliament to be given powers of scrutiny over the EDF through a binding interinstitutional agreement under Article 295 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union" said the Resolution, inter alia.
This how the
Green Party Group of the EU put it on their website:

Below a video clip of Live Voting as it happened today and the text of the Resolution: