Eritrea Tyrant Capitulates, Releases Some Djibouti POW's Unconditionally

18 March 2016

After 8 years of denials and defiance, Eritrea tyrant Isas Afreqi  capitulated, bowed to and surrendered to the demands of Djibouti and released some, Qatar FM did not use the word ALL, to be exact  4 Djibouti POW's to Qatar unconditionally. The tyrant transported the POW's from the tyrant's detention bunker somewhere in Eritrea to Doha, Qatar and from there Qatar's FM flew the POW's via Qatar Airlines to Djibouti and handed them over to Djibouti authorities.

Eritrea tyrant is under UN Chapter VII Sanction: THREAT TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE and SECURITY!This threat has to be eliminated beyond any reasonable doubt for the tyrant to be relieved of the UN Sanction. As a matter of fact, just on Monday, 14 Mar 2016, the UN Security Council Sanctions Committee served Eritrea tyrant notice once again making the Arms Embargo imposed on the tyrant clearer, read below!

Read report and pertinent video clip, Qatar Television, below: