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Major powers second Algiers, Ethiopia remains defiant


27 Dec 2004, EDnews – The shameless saga of Ethiopia’s endless attempts to renege on biding international agreement (Algiers peace accord with Eritrea) and to maintain its defiance of a court’s decision continues unabated even after its 2-point (partial acceptance/demarcation, and renegotiation of the rest of the decision) all out attack on the Algiers Agreement, which it delivered under three-fold sweetened mantle (these are the rest three points that have already been established by the Algiers accord), miserably failed to win support apart from generating cheers for just the palatable mantle.


The major powers (USA, EU, UN/UNSC[includes China, France, GB, USA, Russia]) are unanimous in upholding their commitment to the Algiers peace Agreement and their support of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission and its decision, and no one single nation has withdrawn or called for revision/renegotiation of neither the Algiers accord nor the decision of the Boundary Commission. Regardless, Ethiopia won’t take ‘NO’ for an answer, hence remained defiant.


Over the Christmas weekend, Ethiopia called upon the international community to pressurize Eritrea to accept Ethiopia’s plan to destroy the Algiers Agreement, which the international community itself doesn’t support. How bizarre can the thought process of an agonizing sore loser be? Not only that, on Christmas Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia issued a statement threatening to destabilize the whole East African region if its plan to destroy the Algiers accord fails. How reckless can the actions of an agonizing sore loser be? Last week, Ethiopia warned Eritrea not to declare war on Ethiopia after Eritrea called for strict adherence to the binding peace accord that both countries agreed to and committed to abide by. So now, Ethiopia considers upholding the Algiers Agreement as a declaration of war on Ethiopia! How much brain damage can an unfavorable court’s decision, in this case it didn’t go Ethiopia’s way, cause?


And today, Sudanese Foreign Minister Mustafa Othman Ismail told reporters in Khartoum that " The Ethiopian prime minister affirmed that his government's initiative has been accepted regionally and internationally”. No kidding? The PM can say and fantasize whatever he wants but he can’t mention one nation, unless rogue one, that would support reneging on binding international agreement and undermining a final &binding decision of an international court because that is what Ethiopia’s plan amounts to.


In a news story he wrote for Reuters on 23 Dec 2004, William Maclean reported that “Major powers are unanimous in saying reopening negotiations would go against promises both countries made to be bound by the ruling. The European Union last week echoed Eritrea’s call for Ethiopia to respect the border ruling in full.” Well, that doesn’t sound like the international support that Ethiopia’s PM is talking about? It doesn’t matter. Ethiopia is and continues to be in denial about any thing that doesn’t go its way.


The saga of Ethiopia’s denial of a border decision that didn’t go its way won’t end unless and until the international community intervenes and reconciles Ethiopia with the reality of the decision the hard way, for a state of denial cannot be treated diplomatically or politically. It necessitates specialized medical treatment that is readily available.


